Photo/Video Gallery
This is a gallery of images/videos that family and friends have submitted.

Jake and Daniel’s first home video.
Jake with his dog, Millie. This was a Friendsgiving event at Jake and Daniel’s house on Verde.
Jake and Daniel prepared and served the food at their wedding. Here they are serving their homemade soups, in their handcrafted bowls that they personally made and sent home with each guest as a gift.
Jacob, Daniel, and Millie at their wedding rehearsal.
Rehearsal dinner.
Hand in hand.
Marital bliss :)
A lovely, lovely evening.
Jake dancing with coworkers in the World Relief Seattle office.
Jake’s improv troupe, the Whittakers, photographed in 2011.
Jacob with his fellow troupe-member and friend, Hannah. Photo taken right before they went on to perform their set.
Jake performing in an improv scene with his friends Andrew and Hannah.
Jake and the rest of the Whittakers, 2011.
College Six Flags Trip.
Jake’s 22nd birthday.
Bowling with friends in college.
Campfire with friends. Jacob’s freshman year of college.
Studying at Caribou Coffee in Wheaton. He frequented that coffee shop a lot over the years.
Fischer 3East Kissing Tradition at Wheaton College during his freshman year. Don’t ask.
Jacob hanging out with friends on his “sister floor” during his freshman year of college.
Jake preparing a dinner picnic for his college friends in 2011.
College buds! This group was tight knit, he liked them all a lot!
Gift to his friend Kristen in college. The verse is Matthew 6:26.
Another piece for Kristen.
Graduation 2014! All these people are friends he made during his freshman year. They were all on the same floor of their college dorm and stayed close throughout school.
Halloween 2010. Freshman year at college. You can’t say he wasn’t committed to a bit.
Harry Potter Prank in college. They sorted their entire Freshman class into their respective houses!
Harry Potter Premiere with his friend Jessica.
Hunger Games Premiere with college best buds. He’s always loved bread!
Bored and sexually frustrated Wheaton students often compensated by doing a lot of dressing up.
Improv Workshop Jake led in college.
Jake with his senior year housemates, Isaac and Mike. Always making calls and wearing plaid shirts.
Jake and his college friend, Elisabeth. Fun fact, she’s brilliant at Math — we see you Mrs. PhD!
Lol, the comments. He and his friends had a lot of fun and laughs together.
Jake with his college friends Lydia, Jessica, and Elisabeth. Jake truly had a posse of people (usually girls) who were always drawn into his orbit.
Jake’s birthday, 2011.
Jake with his friends Jessica and Meghan in college.
Jake with with college buds Josh, Luke, Isaac, and Justin. Those drinks were1,000% root bear.
Jake at Los Burritos in Wheaton. Los was a restaurant that stayed open odd hours of the night — a staple for hungry and bored Wheaton students. Here he is with his friends Kristen and Nolan.
Making crepes, 2011. For a while, his plan was to open a creperie. He was always practicing and making crepes for his friends and his brother (pictured here, disassociating).
Mastadon March at Wheaton with friends. An annual tradition during Orientation week.
Jake and his friend Mike at Mike’s wedding. They became friends Freshman year in college and stayed close over the course of school.
Jake and his college friends cooling off at Naperville’s pool/beach.
Jake with his college buds Patrick, Mike, and Kyle.
Picture taken by Jake’s college friend, Troy.
President’s Ball 2013, Junior year. With friends Grace, Jakob, Elisabeth, Kristen, and Luke.
While in college, Jake dressed up as Professor Quirrell from Harry Potter, ran through our college cafeteria (Saga), and screamed “TROLL in the DUNGEON!”
Saga à la Hogwarts. These cats loved Harry Potter.
Saga! They served surprisingly yummy food!
Wheaton College Senior Banquet, 2014. These are all friends from his freshman floor, 3East/3South/3West. They stayed closed throughout their entire college careers.
Jake with 3East friends, as well as friends Sooho and Justin.
Jake, Spring Break 2012.
College Square Dance, 2011.
The Switz, freshman year! A common area in Fischer dorm between the girls/boys floor where many, many shenanigans were had. Notice everyone crowded around Jake.
Texas Spring Break trip with college friends Jakob, Luke, and Kristen.
Texas wedding with his college bud, Kristen.
Twilight poster created by Jacob, featuring college buds :)
Twilight Premiere!
Wheaton soccer game, freshman year.
Dress up day in high school. Jacob LOVED Harry Potter growing up, as did his friends, Melanie and Bonny.
Hermione, Harry, and Ron!
Wingardium Donut-osa!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 1 premiere with high school friends Katie, Melanie, and Jordan (muggle).