Jacob & Aly T.

When I first met Jake I was going through a tough break up. My dear friend and former housemate Daniel had invited me to the infamous "Moon Dinner," the first  of many incredible dinner parties these two lovebirds would throw for their friends, family, and community. I had the same thought that everyone else was having that night-- and that most people have when they first meet Jake: "Who is this magical person?" I could feel his goodness, his kindness, and it was contagious. Even in my first moments of knowing him, he made me want to be a better person, a kinder person, a more generous and thoughtful person. 

About a week later my break up was still feeling sour, so I called Daniel to ask him if I could stay at his place some nights until the end of the month during the moving process.  He (of course) said yes, and when I arrived who else was at the door but our sweet Jacob. Now at this point I didn't know Jake very well, just Daniel-- but from the outside-looking-in you never would have guessed. He hugged me like he had known me for years. He told me Daniel had told him about my break up, he opened up a bottle of wine, told me they were preparing dinner for me and handed me a generous pour. I felt safe, known, and so loved by this literal stranger. He went from not being in my life, to suddenly being completely in my life, in an instant. We talked about love- cried over heartache- dreamed about the future and the good things that were waiting on the other side of this raw shift I was going through. The three of us slept all together in a big pile of fluffy blankets and pillows like puppies. 

Jacob was the best of this world. I couldn't have dreamed of a better person for sweet Daniel. Danny- I'm so thankful for you, for your heart, for your love for Jacob. I'll never be able to thank  you enough for bringing him into our lives. And I'll never be able to fathom the level of heartbreak this year has been for you. 

I thought we all had more time. I thought that during life's busy seasons it would be okay-- we would all see each other again soon-- the busy seasons would pass and we would always have each other.  

This photo is from the only time Jake got to meet my daughter; she's 1 now and I'll always be thankful that we made the trip for bagels just a month or so before Jake died. I find myself regretting not being a more present friend during my pregnancy/ postpartum era. But I take a deep breath and accept that I don't have any answers, but what I do know is that I'm thankful for knowing sweet Jacob. Remembering Jake makes me want to hug everyone a little tighter. Our angel who inspires us every day to be a little more loving - a little kinder- a little more generous of heart. 


Jacob & Hannah S.


Jacob & Julia B.